1960 - 1961
- President: Vernon Stinson
- Vice President: Phil Reed
- Secretary: Phyllis Cooper
- Treasurer: Robert Walker
- Historian: Marshall Klein
- President: Bill Mathis
- Vice President: Vernon Stinson
- Secretary: Winnie Witten
- Treasurer: Phil Reed
- Historian: Sandy McKenzie
Award Recipients
- Best Act: "Tumbling Terrapins" - Phyllis Cooper, Carolyn Brown, Winnie Witten, Jean Nichols, Ralph Platt, Marshall Klein, Vern Stinson, Bob Walker, Gary Klein, Jack Tischinger
- Best Female Trouper: Winnie Witten
- Best Male Trouper: Vernon Stinson
Chet Witten, an alumnus and Best Trouper, as well as a graduate assistant in the Physical Education Department, became director of the Troupe this year. George Kramer continued to give support and advice to Chet as well as to the group.
On October 29, members of the Troupe performed in the Halftime program for Homecoming, a Maryland - Duke game.
The Troupe made fifteen appearances during its Road Show season, including a taped appearance on the WTOP Television's Twenty Fifth Hour program, the day after the Homecoming Game.
"Kaleidoscope" was the theme for Gymkana’s 15th Annual Home Show. Live music was provided during the show by the University of Maryland Band, and University of Maryland Theater personnel helped with the lighting. The show had fifteen acts in all, from Still Rings representing Opal, to trampoline representing Viridian. And making its first appearance in a Gymkana Home Show, Horizontal Bar, or High Bar, represented Pearl.