1975 - 1976
Director: George F. Kramer
Assistant Coach: Joseph Murray
Officer Body
President: Bob Hallwig
Vice President: Mary McGowan
Secretary: Jean Purvis
Treasurer: Joy Tupac
Historian: Scott Highton
Award Recipients
Best Act: Vaulting - Bernie Bohince, Leslee Carpenter, Jack Downs, Jeff Ferra, Cindy Fulton, Bill Gough, Bob Hallwig, Scott Highton, John Janzer, Youn Kim, Garry Kluger, Jim Lowery, Matt McCauley, Al Murphy, Dave Reynolds, Frank Rose, Hugh Sale, Bunny Sharp, Eric Skoog, Seth Sprecher, and Lee Young
Best Female Trouper: Bunny Sharp
Best Male Trouper: John Janzer
"When you're on top of a 40-man pyramid, you have to be able to trust everyone below you."
- Bob Hallwig
Dr. Kramer and Joseph Murray continued their direction of the Troupe for this, the 30th year of its existence. The Troupe grew in size once again, this time to 63 members.
The road show season consisted of 10 local performances.
Mary Donaldson, a secretary in College of Physical Education, was made an honorary member of the Troupe.
It may have been Gymkana's 30th Anniversary, but an even bigger anniversary took place that year. The United States of America turned 200. Bicentennial fever swept the country.
It was in this atmosphere of celebration that Gymkana put on its 30th Annual Home Show, "Gymkana Tricks in '76", a circus theme.
"We the Gymkana Troupe of 1975-76 take great pride in dedicating "Gymkana Tricks in '76' to all troupers past and present. With each passing year the loss of old members and the addition of new creates an annual rebirth of the troupe. We acknowledge that its existence during these past thirty years is due to the time, effort, spirit, and loyalty contributed by each of its members. Special recognition should be made to its most dedicated members, our coaches, Dr. George Kramer, and Mr. Joseph Murray, for by their love and perseverance they will remain ever closest to our hearts."
- 1976 Home Show Program
Gymkana had completed its third decade. Its fourth would present even more challenges, including threats to the Troupe's existence.
Cockeysville Junior High School
Hayfield High School
Havre de Grace High School
Franklin Junior High School
Washington College
Clearspring High School
Lockraven High School
Kenwood High School
Southwestern High School
Banneker Junior High School
Home Show