1980 - 1981
Director: George F. Kramer
Assistant Coach: Joseph Murray
Officer Body
President: Cavan Redmond
Vice President: Ria Bouman
Secretary: Joyce Kalimon
Treasurer: Denise Hunt
Historian: (unknown)
Award Recipients
Best Act: Men's Doubles Balancing - Pete Wagner and Larry Wexler
Best Female Trouper: Sandra Timberlake
Best Male Trouper: Kerry Federico
1980-81 Vaudeville
Dr. George Kramer and Dr. Joseph Murray continued to coach the Troupe. Tom Cockley returned for the first semester, but went on to other opportunities during the spring semester and was unable to continue coaching.
The Double Mini Trampoline, one of the most demanding pieces of rebound equipment, was a new act added to the Troupe’s repertoire this year.
In a show reminiscent of the early history of Gymkana, the Troupers chose as this year's Home Show theme, "Vaudeville U.S.A". Roberta Rose served as announcer. She began the show, welcoming the audience to Poughkeepsie’s own Palace Theater." Dr. Murray and His Mischievous Mutts" (Vaulting) began the evening. Parallel bars was the "Antiperpendiculars".
The men on rings took a little ribbing as "The Strong Men" with the following introduction:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have assembled within the Palace Theater some of the strongest men in the world. They have been known to hold as much as 500 pounds... alright, would you believe 200 pounds? ... 100 pounds?... Would you believe they can hold their breath?”
Dundalk Community College
Cecil Community College
Westminster High School
Frederick Community College
Home Show