1990 - 1991
Director: Joseph Murray
Assistant Coaches: David Rudel and Robert Nelligan
Officer Body
President: Chris Sturek
Vice President: Josh Montfort
Secretary: Sarah Melrose
Treasurer: Tami Greenawalt
Historian: Joanne Minerbi
Award Recipients
Best Act: Mixed Doubles Balancing - Cecilia Padlan and Jamey Brock
Best Female Trouper: Sarah Melrose
Best Male Trouper: Josh Montfort
1990-91 Breaking Away
“Gymkana is a total blending of mind and body. Drugs don’t fit into that equation...anywhere.”
- David Hale (1991 Home Show Program)
For its 45th Anniversary Home Show, Gymkana troupers chose as their theme, "Gymkana Ventures Through Time".
One of the most important events of the year, however, was the end of Gymkana's connection with the Student Government Association. In the past, the SGA had given funding (between a few hundred and a couple thousand dollars) annually. The process required a budget proposal from Gymkana each year, then an appearance by some of the Troupe officers before the SGA to answer budget questions. It had been a fairly straightforward process in the past, but this time things were different.
Chris (Sturek) Miller, President of the Gymkana Troupe at the time, explains:
"We submitted our constitution which was a requirement to be an SGA funded club.
It was rejected on the grounds that it was discriminatory according to the SGA. So the officer body (Chris Sturek - president; Josh Montfort - Vice President; Sarah Melrose - Secretary; Tami Greenawalt - Treasurer; and Joanne Minerbi - Historian) all attended the appeal. Dave Rudel was there representing the coaches.
Basically what it came down to was that the SGA did not like our one year pledge period. They also said that we were discriminating, because we required all pledges and members to sign a drug-free pledge.
After we gave our appeal, the SGA stated that we would have to change the constitution or they would not fund us. There was a recess during which we had time to think about it.
During the recess, a number of fraternity members (not members of the SGA) came up to me privately and suggested that I turn in a fake constitution, as they claimed that they all did to get around the pledge requirement.
We all went back to the gym and had a meeting with Dr. Murray to discuss what we would do, then we returned to the SGA meeting.
The minute we walked in, it got silent, because everybody was wondering what we would do. The SGA president asked me what our reponse was.
I replied, 'We would prefer not to have the funding from the SGA if we are going to be required to change our constitution as it would compromise the integrity of the Gymkana Troupe.'
And with that we left."
Since that time, Gymkana has never applied for, or received, funding from the SGA.
1990-1991 Itinerary
Oakland Middle School
South River High School
Octorara Area Schools
MD-NC Basketball Halftime Show
Baltimore Arena Basketball Halftime
West Frederick Middle School
Redland Middle School
Hood College
Kettering Middle School
Queen Annes County High School
Deer Park Middle School
Hagerstown Junior College
Home Show